Join our reading team
We are looking for qualified readers who love fantasy. If that sounds like you, keep reading!
Our writing challenges have grown so quickly that we are inundadted with short stories to read, review, and rank. That means that we need your help.
As part of our reading team, you will read one or more sets of 20 stories. Each story will be reviewed based on a rubric and written feedback.
Review the following details before filling out the application below.
Mock review: As part of the interview process, we ask potential readers to read a sample short story, grade it based on a rubric, and provide written feedback. This mock review is to ensure the quality of our services and it will be paid.
Orientation: All readers are expected to attend a virtual orientation meeting before receiving their stories. There will be several days and times to choose from.
Timeline: Our next round of stories will be assigned on November on Thursday, November 14th and will be due on Thursday, January 9th.
Flexible work schedule: One of the perks of being on our reading time is the flexible work schedule. Once you receive your stories, you will be able to manage your own time and work schedule until the stories are due back.
Compensation: We pay readers per story that is read and graded.
W-9: Depending on the number of stories you read, you may need to fill out a W-9 to be a contracted employee.
Applications paused
We have received tons of applications and will be pausing for the time being. Thank you to everyone who has applied! We will be in touch soon.