• who are these retreats for?

    Whether you are a full-blown obsessed fan girl of SJM or you are just dipping your toes into the world of fantasy and fairytale, these retreats are for you. The only requirements are that you are respectful of everyone in this community and you are open to adding a little magic into your life.

  • Will there ever be retreats overseas?

    That’s our dream! Um, a Witchcraft and Wizardry retreat in Scotland?! But for now, we are limiting our retreats to the continental U.S. Make sure to sign up for our email list and you’ll be the first to know when we take this magic oversees.

  • I'm new to fantasy. Will I fit in?

    Listen, everyone starts somewhere. But the cold, hard reality is that you have one toe in, it won’t be long until you are spinning fan theories while you should be sleeping and your entire paycheck has gone to your TBR list.

    So, yes. If you are new, get on in here!

  • Am I too old for these retreats?

    The simple answer: heck no.

    We welcome lovers of fantasy & fairytale of all kinds. And we despise putting people into boxes. If there’s anything we’ve learned from reading fantasy & fairytale, it’s that we all have magic of some kind to share. Our community wouldn’t be the same without you.

  • are you hiring?

    We are a small business, so right now it is just us! But we hope to expand one day soon. Our job postings will go to our newletter subscribers first, so be sure to stay up to date on that!

    If you offer a service that you think may be a good collaboration with our retreats, reach out to info@forestandfawnretreats.com!

  • Do you offer payment plans?

    Making sure our retreats are accessible is one of our top priorities. At checkout you’ll have the option to pay with Afterpay with 4 monthly payments!

  • Are daypassses available?

    Not at this time, though we appreciate your interest! It is something we are looking into for future events, depending on the capacity of our venues and staff.

  • Can I share a room with a friend?

    This will depend on the retreat. Some retreats will allow for room shares and some will only allow for single rooms.

  • Are there age restrictions?

    You must be 21+ to attend.