For so long we dreamt

of a place for fantasy lovers to connect, to feel the magic, to shamelessly read books all day in a luxury hotel with endless herbal tea.

A place where you could gather face-to-face, stay up all night swapping fan theories, and then cozy up in bed your favorite way: with a good book in hand. A place to be your most un-hinged, fantasy-fangirl-self.

Well, fantasy lovers, dream no longer.

How it all started.

We are Sarah & Alli.

Our mutual obsession with the Throne of Glass series brought us together and showed us that these books—these worlds—have the power to connect people from all over our planet.

But this is about so much more than just a love of books. We met in an online training course for soul-purpose coaches. And it was during that training that we realized part of our purposes is to bring magic to daily life. So, we decided to let ourselves dream big and see what was possible.

Because what magic ever happened from thinking small?

From those dreams, we birthed Forest & Fawn Retreats. We did it to bring people like you together. To bring the book-obsessed community that we found online into the real world. To bring together lovers of fantasy and fairytale.

MAgic is just around the corner.

Meet the Hosts.

This is us. We’re small (in numbers, not in spirit).

  • Founder

    Hey! I’m Sarah, aka ½ of Forest & Fawn.

    Let me tell you a bit about my journey with books and how I got here.

    As a child, I absolutely loved all things fantasy and fairytale. I was always reading, talking about princesses, magic, and fairies, and dreaming of living in one of the fantasy worlds I adored so much.

    After a pretty long reading slump through high school and college, and a few years of only reading personal growth books, I decided to go back to what I always loved as a child: magic and fantasy.

    I started reading fantasy again a few years ago, and the rest is history.

    I have completely fallen back in love with reading, and it’s all I EVER want to talk about (anyone else 🙋‍♀️?). About 6 months ago I started a bookstagram account and quickly fell in love with this community (how can you not?). Then I met my friend Alli, and we connected over our love of fantasy, and the rest is history!

  • Founder

    I found a love of fantasy & fairytale through the book Women Who Run with the Wolves.

    Before that, I devoured non-fiction spirituality and self-development books. Books about natural history and environmentalism and outer space. Basically, I always felt like I needed to be learning to make reading worthwhile.

    But once I allowed myself the freedom to read for fun, these two books in my hand taught me that there is so much to learn from STORIES. Almost every fantasy book I pick up teaches me something about myself, the world, relationships, the depth of the human experience, and so much more.

    Now, it seems all I want to do is read and write stories about girls with magical powers taking on the world and getting to the truth of who they are.

    This journey has brought me so many unexpected gifts, one of which is my friendship with Sarah and this vision of hosting fantasy reading retreats.

    And I couldn’t be more excited that our vision is no longer just a dream.

  • Whether you are a full-blown obsessed fan girl of SJM or you are just dipping your toes into the world of fantasy and fairytale, these retreats are for you. The only requirements are that you are respectful of everyone in this community and you are open to adding a little magic into your life.

  • That’s our dream! Um, a Witchcraft and Wizardry retreat in Scotland?! But for now, we are limiting our retreats to the continental U.S. Make sure to sign up for our email list and you’ll be the first to know when we take this magic oversees.

  • Listen, everyone starts somewhere. But the cold, hard reality is that you have one toe in, it won’t be long until you are spinning fan theories while you should be sleeping and your entire paycheck has gone to your TBR list.

    So, yes. If you are new, get on in here!

  • The simple answer: heck no.

    We welcome lovers of fantasy & fairytale of all kinds. And we despise putting people into boxes. If there’s anything we’ve learned from reading fantasy & fairytale, it’s that we all have magic of some kind to share. Our community wouldn’t be the same without you.