Bringing together lovers of fantasy & fairytale

Reading retreats & bookish events

We know you.

You’re someone who loves getting lost in a good book just as much as you love having adventures of your own.

You can spend hours that turn into days spinning fan theories of your favorite series but maybe (just maybe) you have a hard time finding people to listen.

If that sounds like you, then you are in the right place.

This place is for you.

It’s a place for your imagination to run wild. A place to connect with other lovers of fantasy & fairytale. Where you can go down rabbit holes of fan theories,

Where you can say things like “gods-damned” and “holy goddesses” without getting weird looks.

Where no one is going to make you feel bad for the books you like to read. In fact, you’re going to feel right at home in all of your

We’re honored to have you.

More than just a retreat.

Come for the books and tea and cozy hotel rooms. Stay for the friendship.

These retreats are about so much more than the books we’ll be reading and discussing. These retreats are about connecting with people who see you for who you are. Who understand parts of you that other people in your life might now.

Because there is an unexplainable type of magic that happens when fantasy lovers come together.

It’s almost as if the world we know gets blown wide open and the possibilities become endless.